Frequently Asked Questions About Home Inspections

  • A home inspection will take approximately 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours depending on the conditions present. Condominiums and town homes typically take less time than single family homes. Older homes generally take longer.

  • If it is possible to come to the home inspection, we highly recommend it. Seeing your home through the home inspector’s eyes will provide you with a better understanding of what you are buying.

  • After receiving your home inspection report, if you wish to speak to the home inspector personally, we can arrange a time for you to do that. You can receive your report by any combination of mail, e-mail or fax.

  • Yes! At your request we will send a copy of the report to your realtor and/or attorney. The State of New Jersey requires home inspectors to obtain your written permission in order to release the report. This is easily obtained through the home inspection agreement.

  • Yes! Feel free to call the home inspector to discuss any concerns you may have.

  • Schedule your home inspection as soon as you are sure you will be out of attorney review. Your contract will provide you with a specific number of days within which to get your home inspection. If the contract does not allow you enough time, you can ask your attorney to request an extension on the allotted time.